Make your switch smart


What if you could turn your conventional switch into a smart radio control centre? With the push-button interface from NEXENTRO, this is not wishful thinking!

NEXENTRO > Make your switch smart

Integrate your switches for your Smart Home

The invisibly installed push-button interface not only retains the design of your switches, but also equips them with a variety of new functions. Various scenes can be activated at the touch of a button to make your everyday life that much easier.

Retrofit your Smart Home for flexibility

Our NEXENTRO push button interface can communicate with the other NEXENTRO actuators without needing a network connection to your smart home system. This means that the manual operation of your light switches or blinds is always given. On one hand, you have a 100% operational reliability and on the other, your smart appliances uphold a permanent contact so that no one has to kick the habit of always hitting a switch

Operate an entire floor with just one switch

Our special feature: With our complimentary NEXENTRO app, you can connect several actuators in your room with the push-button interface. This means that you can use one switch to raise and lower all of the blinds simultaneously or even switch all of your lights on or off at the same time.

Our install and forget principle

A standard screwdriver is all that is required to install NEXENTRO. With no costly adjustments involved, NEXENTRO is just ideal for tenants or homeowners. Once in place, NEXENTRO functions like an invisible assistant, hidden and installed within the wall. NEXENTRO doesn’t need additional hardware and will continue to work for years afterwards without any annoying battery changes. No Wifi is required and not only do we guarantee for 100% reliability, but we also provide for free updates to keep your home fully up to date.
NEXENTRO fits into all standard flush-mounted or cavity wall appliance boxes and is easily installed behind the switch or the socket.

Zigbee Pushbutton Interface


Push-button interface for the wireless operation of Zigbee-compliant devices, e.g. lamps, luminaires, adapter plugs, dimming actuators, blind actuators

3.5/5 - 173 Ratings

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